DJIA - 6th November 2023 | @ 76 Days | - 0.16%
Last trade: - 0.16% | 'B' class signal detected in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Running at an average wavelength of 76 days over 12 iterations since May 2021. Currently moving up.
ΣL Cycle Summary
The value of a time domain average of correlated instruments is shown here as this wave is analogous to the component at 76 days in the US Stock Market Composite, posted late October. However the phasing of the wave is slightly offset here, missing the exact price low which was indicated on the composite more accurately. The S&P 500 also was more accurate in this regard recently. Normally this would not be much of an issue as troughs do not tend to explode as much as the latest one. Unfortunately amplitude modulation is much harder to predict than frequency modulation in financial markets! That said, this wave maintains excellent, stationary characteristics overall and is due to peak early December. Indeed late November / early December seems like a notable inflection point for many instruments.
Trade Update
See also: Live ΣL Portfolio & History
Summary of the most recent trade enacted with this signal and according to the time prediction detailed in the previous post for this instrument, linked below.
Type: Sell - DJIA 25th September 2023
Entry: 25th September 2023 @ 34006.88
Exit: 3rd November 2023 @ 34061.32
Gain: - 0.16%
Current Signal Status
Defining characteristics of the component detected over the sample period.
Detected Signal Class: B - learn more
Average Wavelength: 75.93 Days
Completed Iterations: 12
Component Yield Over Sample: 65.32% - learn more