'C' class signal detected in Gold composite (XAU vs USD/EUR/CAD/GBP). Average wavelength of 527 Days over 5 completed sample iterations since February 2015. Currently approaching a peak
Just wanna thank you for put hard work putting together so many high-quality updates in various markets. I'm feeling lucky as subcriber. I believe much more people should subcribe to this.
Very kind of you to say Thomas, it is a pleasure. I am very glad the shorter posts are being received well as I have a lot of instruments to showcase with this decomposition technique. It is hard to break through the wall of essentially random analysis that infects fin market TA alas..growing slowly though!
Just wanna thank you for put hard work putting together so many high-quality updates in various markets. I'm feeling lucky as subcriber. I believe much more people should subcribe to this.
Very kind of you to say Thomas, it is a pleasure. I am very glad the shorter posts are being received well as I have a lot of instruments to showcase with this decomposition technique. It is hard to break through the wall of essentially random analysis that infects fin market TA alas..growing slowly though!
Nice detection! Somewhat less robust than the 55~days but very interesting to watch how gold would react approaching this cycle peak.
Yes! There is some frequency modulation for a period to a longer component around 680 days which downgrades the rating.