Sigma Snippets - Cycle Updates, Snappier
Introducing for subscribers a new, shorter format email shot for individual stocks, ETFs and the more obscure but liquid markets

The Third Way
We are constantly inundated with requests for individual stocks, forex pairs and ETF analysis on Twitter and elsewhere, the former a short format social network that is useful for providing quick updates for followers. On the flipside our larger updates on Sigma-L contain long, medium and short term analysis with in depth explanations and speculation for subscribers who appreciate the unique insight.
In order to cater for both styles and bring to bear our unbiased time frequency analysis on a wider range of instruments, we have created Sigma Snippets. This shorter format email for paying subscribers will feature:
2 charts at the most detailing the signal and it’s time extrapolation based upon wave attributes
Signal attributes: phase, average wavelength, modulation, iterations
A price and time speculation with the emphasis on time
Our own Sigma-L rating, detailed below and based upon historical wave attributes and gain per frequency. Gain per frequency is a measure of nominal percentage gain, backtested over the sample and across all frequencies.
Expect analysis of individual stocks, ETFs, more exotic forex pairs, base metals, treasuries and soft commodities. We will usually detail strong components from 40 weeks down to 20 days in wavelength, although we may on occasion show faster signals, if called for.
Indeed, we also will welcome suggestions directly from our subscribers for instruments to feature.
So, if you have a particular market you wish us to perform a phasing analysis upon, to compare with your own analysis or for further insight, please do let us know in the comments!
We will of course continue to pen the longer format reports to paying subscribers (if they are in demand), detailing the most popular markets with our usual rigour. In the meantime look out for these cycle snippets in your inbox shortly!
Our Signal Rating System, Explained
‘A’ Class
Highly amplitude stationary for the majority of the sample
Highly frequency stationary for the majority of the sample
Maximum gain per frequency across the frequency range and within the bandwidth of the signal, within the sample timeframe
Clear spectral spacing around the signal

‘B’ Class
Highly amplitude stationary for at least half of the sample
Highly frequency stationary for at least half of the sample
Maximum or second highest gain per frequency across the frequency range and within the bandwidth of the signal, within the sample timeframe
Clear spectral spacing around the signal

‘C’ Class
Highly amplitude stationary for at least half of the sample
Highly frequency stationary for at least half of the sample
Maximum or second highest gain per frequency across the frequency range and within the bandwidth of the signal, within the sample timeframe